What is your place of power? Where do you go when you need to reconnect to your source of strength?
Do you have a touchstone in your life that helps you reconnect to your power source—that helps you "stir up the gift of God which is in you?" (2 Timothy 1:6).
That gift is the Holy Spirit.
When you need some extra grace, courage, wisdom, comfort, even energy to keep pressing forward, go to The Source. That is your place of power.
For many people it is taking time away to read the Bible, for others, it is going for a walk in order to find time to talk with God, and for some, it is stopping long enough to listen for the still, small
voice speaking from the innermost parts of their being.
I once heard it said, "Find your place of power and your efforts will be multiplied." I believe this applies to finding that place where you can connect with the Spirit of God within you. When you can to do that, your efforts will be multiplied.
What are the challenges you are facing this week?
No matter what your need or weakness, find that place of power and go there! Make it a daily habit and your days will be empowered for life!
John 15:5: "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
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