Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Trouble with Temptation

Many people think it’s a sin just to be tempted, but the fact is, being tempted is normal for a Christian, especially a growing one. Even Christ was tempted in that classic confrontation with the devil at the beginning of His ministry. Temptation is not the problem; giving in to temptation is the problem.
So how can you resist the roaring lion? First, know your weakness. If temptation occurs when you are alone, then build in some safeguards. Second, draw upon God’s power to stand firm. The saints of Revelation overcame the devil’s temptations “by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony” (Rev 12:11) let me encourage and exhort you today to live a holy life and to resist the temptations that the devil sets before you! Live your life so that God is honored by all that you say and do. May your life, marriage, and family be vessels of honor for the glory of God.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for great encouragement,The bible says resist the devil and he shall flee from you.God has given us Power through the holyspirit.You shall recieve POWER when he holy sprit has come uopn you.The only thing we fail to recognize that we dont how powerfull is the one inside us.so instead of listening to him we end up relying on our own strength.trust him do not rely on our own understanding,we should know that he is there to help us through...
    Do Not CaRry No Burden
